Brown County Rural Water Association
Brown County Rural Water Association

Cecil Black (of Ripley) began observing eagles on BCRWA property in 2005 as a volunteer monitor for the Ohio Division of Wildlife
Eagles start their incubation period in mid-February and the eaglets are hatched in approximately 35 days
Both parents share incubation duties
Eagles lay 1-3 eggs per year
Newborn chicks will have white down feathers
Eaglets coloring will change to gray at 2-3 weeks
Eaglets begin "flopping" their wings at 3-4 weeks
Young eagles will fledge the nest at 12-14 weeks
The life span for an eagle is approximately 30 years
Eagles can start breeding at 3-4 years of age
Immature eagles get their white head and tail at 5-6 years of age and at this time are considered mature
Eagles at BCRWA typically do not migrate due to the abundance of food and the river not freezing
Eagles prefer fish but will eat the following: birds, moles, squirrels, rabbits, soft shelled turtles, snakes, carrion and on occasion smaller groundhogs
The wingspan of a mature eagle is 6 to 7 feet
Immature eagles will not return to their birth nest
The total number of eagles fledged from the BCRWA nesting area is 16 starting in 2005